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HmmsimRoutes Package Registry

Providing an easy-to-use online package management platform for Hmmsim2 players.

Website: reg.bvecs.zbx1425.cn

User Guide

Make sure you read all the following instructions before proceeding.

To upload a package:
1. Click the “Developer Registration” button on the top to register an account. You will receive an email confirmation link. There may be a slight delay. If you do not receive it, also check your spam folder.
2. Click the “Developer Login” button on the top to log in.
3. Click the “Edit Information” button on the top to complete your profile.
4. Select “Packages” on the left sidebar, then click the “Create Package” button.
5. Fill in some necessary information. Click here to learn how to register package information. Then click the “Create Package” button.
6. Two new tabs, “Description” and “Files,” will appear at the top of the page. You can write a description for the package.
7. Select the “Files” tab, then click the “Add File” button to expand it. If you want to upload files for multiple platforms or versions, you can repeat the following steps.
8. Fill in some necessary information again. Click here to learn how to upload and add files. Then, click the “Create File” button.
9. Wait for the administrator to verify if the files can be used normally (you can email support@zbx1425.cn to urge them).
10. Now your package has been successfully registered in the system and can be downloaded in the HmmsimRoutes app.